At ICONS, practice comprises a group of experts with deep knowledge about the market, competition, policy and regulation through provision of diverse range of services in India& Global Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industry. We have right expertise for whatever the scope and type of project with proven process, tools & technical expertise. Ensuring project meets it goals, safe design and delivered on time at optimal cost.We help our customer to deliver Greenfield, Brownfield projects, for both large and small scale projects. Will provide local presence where ever you need us, to ensure successful outcomes for each and every stage of your projects. We have impressive track record for executing in India and global.

Our highly qualified teams, our technically led centers of excellence are experts in helping Oil & Gas and Petrochemical manufactures in new and existing market, with our project delivery experience, we will give you predictable results that meet your business objectives. From the creation of new assets to services that sustain and improve operating assets, we deliver innovative solutions wherever you need us. Showing you how you can convert your strategies in to a sustainable and profitable business. This includes but not limited to: Synthesis Gas based products including Ammonia; Methanol and their derivatives; Ethylene and their derivatives; aromatics; Oxides, Glycol & Polyols and derivatives; Chlor-Alkali, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride monomer & Polyvinyl chloride.

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies and technical and financial consulting work, from the conceptual analysis of the opportunity to the necessary definition to pin down the project...

Detail Engineering

Detail Engineering, contemplating all the disciplines of an industrial project.
- Extended Basic Engineering
- Stress Analysis
- Technical / HAZOP Studies
- Construction Supervision

Procurement Services

Management of purchases, inspection, activation, traffic and supply, in a department devoted exclusively to supplying equipment and materials under optimal conditions of price, term and quality, from anywhere in the world.

PMC – Project Management Consultant

Support to customers in the project direction and in the coordination of the different interfaces to bring down the costs and to finish the execution of the project as a whole.

FEED – Front End Engineering and Design

Detailed analysis of a project in which, from the Basic Engineering of the licensed units and Open-Art, the main processes are defined, the technologies are selected...

OBCE – Open Book Cost Estimate

A process that is carried out from a FEED and in which the customer and the engineering work jointly and transparently in defining the total costs of a project...

Our Projects

We always help the industry improve its environmental and social performance